Saturday, November 24, 2007

How To Easily Generate Free Traffic

One of the most popular ways to generate free traffic to your website these days is to use a free traffic exchange service.

A traffic exhange is website service that enables you to view someones website, and others in turn view yours. You earn credits when you view someones site,
and you use those credits to have others view your site.

Internet marketers would like to know how to bring traffic to their
websites quickly, without spending any money. Traffic exchanges can
accomplish this.

The greatest benefit comes in when you sign up others and receive
traffic from their efforts.

The different types of exchanges are start page exchanges,
manual surf, and auto surf.

The key is to join more than one exchange, it could be start page,
manual or auto surf exchange, and promote them to get referrals.

Go to any search engine such as yahoo or excite, and search for traffic
exchanges. There are hundreds, with new ones being established everyday.

With all the traffic exchanges you find from the searh engines,if you
join them, you will increase your traffic greatly.

I try to use as many free traffic programs as I can to increase traffic to my web sites. But does this traffic actually make sales for me? Probably not directly but indirectly they can.

So what are the benefits of free traffic programs? Well the number 1 benefit is that it will boost your traffic. This is the most obvious benefit. But the biggest benefit of free traffic programs is that the more traffic you send to your site the more popular it looks to some search engines. actually ranks your site depending on how much traffic it receives. You can actually go to alexa and download traffic and stats buttons or logos to put on your site. This will show you and your users how much traffic you are getting and how many people link to you.

Other search engines such as Ask jeeves , Lycos , MSN , and others use the alexa traffic ranking from your site to help determine how high in their search results your site will be placed. It is also assumed that Go ogle also uses the alexa traffic ranking in its ranking algorithm.

The bottom line is that the more exposure you give to your site from free traffic programs the better your search engine rankings will be. And the higher your rankings in the search engines the more good quality targeted traffic you will get resulting in more sale’s and commissions.

A great program that lists all the best Traffic Exchanges, and help you build a
downline in them is Affiliate Funnel. Affiliate Funnel is free and and allot of
fun to use.

Check it out:

Hope the above helps.


Tyler W. Cant
Download a Free Report of Generating Quality Traffic:

Sunday, November 18, 2007

How to Create a Viral Funnel of Traffic for FREE!

Generating massive traffic to build a list is not that hard if you are
shown what to do. The thing is most upline people never teach their
downlines on how to market. Well I do like to show people how to be
successful and I'm going to share a marketing tip now.

First never promote a program directly..EVER! Always promote or send traffic
to a Lead Capture page. This way you build your list, rapore, and trust with
your prospects. Then you can share the programs that are making you mon.ey.

Here is a very easy way to generate a lot of high quality targeted traffic to
your Lead Capture page without spending a dime:

First join the following 3 programs for

Affiliate Funnel (Your Lead Capture System):
Affiliate Funnel

Affiliate Funnel will also promote the programs you
are marketing in the Back Office. So all your subscribers
will see only what you are recommending. Pretty Cool!

ViralURL (Your Viral Traffic Generator):
Viral URL

Croc Ads (Your Automatic Traffic Generator):
Croc Ads

Next the Ad you want to setup in Croc Ads would be something
like this:

"Learn How to Promote
promote your Business
and Not Someone else's!"

The URL you would want to use is one of the Lead Capture URL's that
Affiliate Funnel has setup for us. Here is an example:

Of course you can come up with your own Ad, but the point here is that
your are sending traffic to your Lead Capture page. The better the ad
the more Click's you will get and the more subscribers!

Now here is where things get interesting. You want to take the
Lead Capture URL in Affiliate Funnel and Cloak it with
ViralURL. For example the URL would look something like

So in other words you have turned this URL:

Into this URL:

Now you need to setup a Viral Bar Ad in ViralURL, something like this:

"Build Your Own Business and Not Someone Else's"

The URL you want to use for the Viral Bar ad is the Cloaked Lead Capture
Page URL we setup above (

What is happening is that by promoting your ViralURL cloaked link you
are earning Ad Bar credits that will send traffic to YOUR Ad Bar ad.

By doing the above you are creating a Vortex of traffic that is all going to
your Lead Capture Page thus generating leads, traffic,
and building your list all on Auto-Pilot!

All you have to do is login to Croc Ads everyday and click on 6 to 12
different Ads to generate credits. 1 credit = 1 Ad View.

For each Ad you click on you will earn anywhere from 5 to 20 credits, so
traffic will build up fast even as a member of Croc Ads.

Croc Ads

The above is a very simple but effective way to market online. The
best part you can do this for!

To Your Success

Tyler W. Cant
Get a system that protects your affiliate commissions, builds
you a huge list & generates a huge income using leverage?
Limited time offer... get it free for life!
Viral URL

Saturday, November 10, 2007

How To Build Your List And Not Someone Else's

I have joined and used a lot of programs that claim they will help you build your own list and make a lot of money online. I'm sure most of you reading this article all ready know what I'm going to talk about.

The truth is 98% of these so called List Building programs or Tools only help the program owner in building a list and not you! I know the above comment is going to upset a lot of people but the truth is the truth!

I'm not going to mention any programs names but I will describe how most of them work:

- Most of the programs I'm talking about get you to join for Free

- Then after you join there is always some sort of One-Time Offer so that you get an upgraded lifetime membership that usually costs around $197.00

- Upgraded memberships usually get to post more Ads, Banners, or get more Traffic to whatever they are promoting than Free members

- Free members get to use a very limited amount of the program features, where an upgraded member gets to use all the features

- The program or Tool gives you a ton of promotional tools that you can use to get others to join under you in this program. By doing this you will be building your list

- People that join under you also promote and they also get people joining under you in multiple levels

- Most of these programs allow you to email your entire downline usually once per week or every three days and you can promote anything in the email

So does the above sound familiar? Does the above sound great? First question the answer is 'Yes', second question the answer is 'No'.

The problem with these programs is that for 90% or more of online marketers they will only be able to get a few referrals. So for most members of these programs their downline will be very small. However for the program owner there list will be HUGE. Now the other thing that will happen is the program owner will email the entire database with their offer. In other words they have stolen your referrals!

By building your list by using these list building programs and tools you are really building someone else's list.

Now there are a few and I mean few list building programs that really do help you build your own list. I'm not going to discuss them in this article (that is for later), but I will tell you what you need to look for before joining:

- The program should email you or give you the Full Contact information of every referral you make

- You should be able to get your referrals subscribed to your own Auto-Responder when they join

- The program should allow you to email other members in the program that You did not refer

- The program should have marketing tools, and features that drive targeted traffic to any program

Basically what I'm saying is there should be a fair mutual benefit for joining the program. If you join a program and promote it to others, then you should also be able to promote to all the members of the program. Fair is fair! If you can't do this then the program is not worth joining.

I'm a member of 5 really good List Building programs that enables me to email close to 30,000 members per week! That is a lot of marketing power and of course it helps me build MY List FAST!

Checkout my resource box below for more information on how to market online.

Until next time!

Tyler W. Cant

Tyler W. Cant has been a successful Online Affiliate Marketer for over 6 years and makes a full-time income from Affiliate Marketing.

Learn more about the methods I use to generate traffic, build a list, and make more Affiliate Sales. Get my Free Report that will show you how:

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Review of ViralURL

I have been using ViralURL for the last couple of weeks
so I wanted to share my results with you.

First you have to understand that I would not recommend
a marketing tool if I found it did not work or deliver as

The number 1 feature of ViralURL is the link cloaking
feature where the URL of the product or Lead Capture
page you are promoting is hidden so you do not lose
commissions. Here is a really good example of how I
use ViralURL to cloak my link:

By promoting the URL above I get the following benefits:

- Excellent stats as to how many clicks I get per day plus where
the hits came from!

- I earn credits so that my ViralURL Ad will be shown on 1,000's
of sites! Complete automatic traffic generation!

- People will also join ViralURL also from promoting that link

- My commissions are protected from Affiliate ID Hijackers!

So basically I'm building my list 2 different ways, tracking the amount
of traffic and where the traffic is coming from. I'm generating tons of
traffic on complete auto-pilot! Guess what you get to do this as a member!

I'm now averaging about 200 to 300 unique clicks per day from using
ViralURL. That is excellent tragetted traffic for practically doing nothing!

Plus for every signup you generate you will earn $1.00 that will be
paid directly to your Paypal account.

Yes, you can join for free but you will
be missing the gold in them thar hills.

Wisdom is seeing the value of paying
one time for a lifetime membership
and then using that site to earn back your
investment over and over again

Yes, you can join free but when you do
you will have messed yourself up again
and end up paying later and enjoying it less:)

Why pay more when you can get a bargain
from the get go!

Take up the oto when you join up here:

ViralURL is one of the BEST programs to come along
in a long time to help you generate traffic, build your lists,
and earn mon.ey online.

All the best

Tyler W. Cant
Get a system that protects your affiliate commissions, builds
you a huge list & generates you a huge income using leverage?
Limited time offer... get it free for life!

Feed Shark