Friday, December 29, 2006

Agloco Paid to Surf Program: Right for You?

If you haven't heard the buzz about Agloco, in summary, it is a new company that offers a way to make money online. This is accomplished by downloading a small toolbar and keeping it on at least some of the time (up to 5 hours a month) while online or surfing the Net. Agloco also offers an income opportunity, cash and shares in the company, for those who wish to take the program more seriously, by acquiring referrals. Agloco referrals can be gained directly by you or though your referrals, as the program pays on 5 levels. Is it a pyramid scheme? No, at least not the scheme part, for it costs nothing to join and you don't need to buy anything to make money. There are other concerns however and following are the most frequent ones noted on the Internet.

Is Agloco safe or will it contain spyware?

The simple answer is yes it is safe and no it does not contain spyware. Spyware involves taking information from you without your permission. This happens frequently enough, if you are not running anti-spyware, whether you intentionally download something or not, such as when you visit a Web site. As far as safety, potentially _any_ program that you use on the Internet, including your Web browser, music players or other toolbars has potential risks. In comparison with other Web browser add-ons (.e.g. Google or Yahoo toolbar, etc.) the Agloco toolbar is on par for safety (see privacy), barring some unforeseen development.

How much money can I earn with Agloco?

Individuals who run the Agloco toolbar without getting any referrals will likely only make a few dollars a month, which is fine for some people who wouldn't otherwise receive the money. Referrals are where the money is made. If you acquire 5 Agloco referrals (a modest number), and each of them averages 2 referrals, on down the line, the monthly figure is: 761.25. Increase that number to 5 (for each of your referrals) and the number is 4886.25 a month. You can see how it adds up, but it will depend on the value of the company shares to what you actually make, it could be more or less than $1 per share. There is a calculator at the Agloco Web site to determine potential income.

How do I know I won't be "ripped off" ... as in the past?

AllAdvantage, Agloco's predecessor per se, paid out 100 million dollars in their paid to surf program before the bust. The Agloco program appears more sound and since the cap is 5 hours a month, Agloco is not subject to the extent of cheating and lost revanue that occured with the earlier program. There is no logical reason to think the company itself will deceive anybody, or not pay members. But as with any startup company, the program may be less profitable than expected, or even turn out to be a flop. If that is the case, there is no investment, except perhaps a little time, lost. Otherwise, if you decide to pay for advertising to gain Agloco referrals, that is a calculated judgment call and not promoted by the company.

What about my privacy?

The Agloco privacy policy is open and the personal information provided is voluntary. One of the members on board is a privacy guru, Ray Everett-Church, who you can investigate. In addition, Agloco's privacy policy is based "upon the eight principles of Fair Information Practices first issued by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in 1980. (See: Full text)." If Agloco would breach their privacy policy, not only would it be illegal it would be contrary to their business model as Agloco's value to advertisers is in keeping the information proprietary. On the other hand, in reviewing their privacy policy, it states there will be a need to share information with third-parties Agloco works with, (the same is true of your Internet service company for example) who are also bound to strict requirements. Nevertheless, if you feel that sharing any information about yourself is a risk to yourself or a major inconvenience, this program is probably not for you.

Should I wait to join until after Agloco has proven itself?

The wait and see approach is the safest route whether considering a new opportunity such as Agloco or a new product release from Microsoft. Let other people work out the bugs as they say. The downside is that it will be much harder to gain referrals as the market will get saturated. Again with AllAdvantage, most people that made significant money (thousands a month) started the program in the beginning. As you are not committed to anything, for many people starting early makes more sense.

So in deciding if the Agloco paid to surf program is for you, look at the facts and make an educated decision. Often rumors and alarmists confuse the picture, conversely so do fanatical proponents of a company. It appears that Agloco is low-risk and is not a scam. Agloco has an educated and experienced team (members listed at their Web site) as well as a positive philosophy on rewarding its members, with 90% of the ad revanue put back into the company for members to share. For some people the program will be worth any minor inconvenience, such as seeing ads, and for others it simply will not be.

Refferal Link:

One of the Best Systems Online for Building Referral, Lists, and making money is Affiliate Cash Secrets. You can join this great system for Free here:


How do you plan to get AGLOCO money? If you want AGLOCO to really come across with substantial money then you need to average one new member everyday. This is not necessarily an easy task, but one that will pay huge dividends for the time and effort invested. Think about the following situation:

AGLOCO will double the amount of money they pay you for every five more referrals you bring in. If you can bring in one new person each day from now until the begininning of March, you would have a total of over 60 referrals. With that many members under you, now witness the capability of mathematics unleashed.

Going from 5 referrals to 10 doubled your money.

Going from 10 to 15 referrals, that again double your money.

Once again, 15 to 20 memberships made your income double.

If we skip to the end of this wonderful math, you will see that the results are quite impressive. Using a base of 5 members as an AGLOCO standard, we managed to keep doubling are income 11 total times from whatever original dollar figure that would have been earned with only 5 referrals.

Another way to demonstrate this powerful math is to assume that yourself and your original 5 referrals paid $1 a month. Not much, right? But if you use AGLOCO math (double your income pleasure with every 5 referrals) then you take the $1 and double it 11 times! This result is $1,024 a month!

Remember, this is all extra income. Also remember that you need not pay anything to get people to sign-up. And they need to pay zero dollars as well. No one is paying anything for registering, being an active participant, and there are no hidden fees for anything. What is so important to understand with AGLOCO is that you pay no dollars into the company at any point during your experience with them. AGLOCO does not even have the ability to take money, there is no credit card form, no address to mail them a check, no instance or situation where they can take any money from you.

The opposite is true. AGLOCO is only geared to pay you money. This is revenue from the advertisers who are willingly taking part in this revolutionary advertising model, which is changing how ads are served on the internet. As a member all you need to do is continue what you are already doing. Which is surfing the net, paying your bills online, chatting with friends, playing video games, and all the other things you actively do online. That's it, nothing else.

AGLOCO is a great new company. I suggest you sign-up today, and be one of the first to get paid for just doing what you do!

One of the Best Systems Online for Building Referral, Lists, and making money is Affiliate Cash Secrets. You can join this great system for Free here:

Sunday, December 24, 2006

AGLOCO: Make Money Online

AGLOCO News & AGLOCO Updates

Dec. 22, 2006 - Happy Holidays to everyone. Give your friends the gift that keeps on giving all year by letting them earn money online - tell them about AGLOCO.

Dec. 15, 2006 - Quick story: I sent an e-mail about AGLOCO to all my friends in my online address book. I actually debated sending the message to a former co-worker because she already has a lot of money earned through several income streams. (She inherited rental property, she has investements in stocks, bonds, and collectibles, she keeps her full time job, and she also runs a small business on the side.) I thought she might not want to be bothered with earning money online. However, she was the first person who signed up when I sent the e-mails out! Isn't that interesting? It's a good lesson on how people who have money will continue to look for ways to keep making more.

Dec. 9, 2006 - I added this new update section right to the top of this page containing the latest AGLOCO news and AGLOCO information. Be sure to bookmark this page so you can check it periodically.

Since AGLOCO is taking off like crazy, I added a new AGLOCO popularity counter at the bottom of the left hand column. Take a look. The numbers will amaze you.

The company made some excellent changes to their website over the last few days. They have released more information on additional ways they will be generating income to be disbursed to members. I integrated that information into the review below at the appropriate places.


AGLOCO is a new company that is taking the blogosphere and the entire Internet by storm for one simple reason - it is the only way you can earn money online by doing what you already do - simply surfing the web.

The company is brand new (just launching in late November 2006) and it's exciting to be involved with an Internet company right from the beginning. If you sign up for AGLOCO now, you can be the one to tell all your friends and blog readers and get them involved too. Wouldn't it have been cool to be the first person in your group to introduce everyone to Google, YouTube, or MySpace? Don't miss out on the chance this time!


Yes, it costs nothing to sign up with AGLOCO. AGLOCO pays you!

Where does the money come from? The money that AGLOCO uses to pay you, me, and the rest of the members comes from the advertisers. Advertisers today crave to be able to put out their messages to highly targeted audiences. This model delivers that ability effortlessly. For example, if you are viewing a site about movies, then it only makes sense that you would be interested in a movie trailer ad for a movie that will be opening that weekend.

Here's the second best part about AGLOCO. (The first part is that it costs nothing to join). You don't have to click on any ads in order to earn the money! You can completely ignore the ads if you want to. In fact, you can even minimize the toolbar if you don't what it on your screen for some reason. Remember, though, you want to earn money so you will want to keep the toolbar up while you are surfing. Since the ads are targeted, they may be of interest to you anyway so you just may want to click on them, but you have no obligation to do so.

AGLOCO: Earn Money Online Surfing The Internet

How AGLOCO Works

Members simply download a viewbar that stays open while they are using the Internet. The viewbar is about the same size as toolbars you may have already added to your browsers for other applications such as the Google toolbar, the RoboForm toolbar, the Alexa toolbar, the AOL toolbar, or the StumbleUpon toolbar. See the screenshot at the bottom of the page to see how little room the viewbar actually takes up. You may have to look closely. The AGLOCO symbol is in the bottom left above the start button and if you look across you can see that the ad is a movie trailer for SpiderMan 3.

AGLOCO will be generating money for its members in several ways. A few are listed here, more detail is available on the AGLOCO site.:

  • Search: The viewbar has an Internet search box. Search engines pay referral fees to companies when search results are served. (Bet you didn't know you have been generating money for someone else every time you used a search box on a non-search engine site.)
  • Ads - As described above, ads complementing the website your on are available via the toolbar.
  • Commision - If a member buys something online as a result of viewing an ad, the company earns a commission.

Make More Money With AGLOCO

As if this isn't an interesting enough opportunity already, you can make even more money from AGLOCO by referring your friends. This is so much better than regular affiliate programs. In most programs, you get a dollar or two for referring someone once and then that's it. With AGLOCO, you get money for every one of your referrals every month as long as they all keep surfing the web with their toolbars. Do you know anyone who doesn't surf the web every single day? Neither do I. You can be pretty sure that everyone who signs up will keep earning money for you (and for themselves) month after month.

The other great thing about referring friends here is that they'll thank you because you are not selling them anything, you are giving them a way to get paid for doing the same thing they would do anyway. You can't argue with that. If you prefer to just get paid for your own surfing and not sign people up, that's OK too. It's up to you. It seems like a "no-brainer" to me that you would want to help your friends make money while making more of it yourself too.


Has there ever been anything like this before?

When I first heard of AGLOCO, it reminded me of how people used to get free Internet service a few years back. The ISP would allow you to connect for free as long as the small toolbar with ads was running on the bottom or side of the screen. As with this system, the toolbar was very thin and unobtrusive. I ignored the ads most of the tume unless they were for movie trailers (hence the example above) or if they were for big sales at stores that I shopped at anyway.

After doing research, I found out that there was another company about six years ago called AllAdvantage that worked the same way as AGLOCO. Some of the old AllAdvantage staff are involved with AGLOCO. It's too bad that AllAdvanatge became a victim of the dot com bust period back in 2001 when all the online advertising dried up for a few years (before rebounding to the staggering numbers it reaches now) or I am sure they would be still be going strong today.

AGLOCO Controversey

For some strange reason, this company has has stirred controversey in the blogosphere. (Then again, what doesn't?) I think the controversey is ridiculous. The biggest complaint bloggers have about AGLOCO is that the previous incarnation (AllAdvantage mentioned above) went out of business because it paid its members too much money. Yes, you read that right. AllAdvantage paid its members over $100,000,000 (that's one hundred million dollars) in a a two year period (about 1999-2001) before the online advertising business went south in the dot com bust. These bloggers think that is a problem? Are they serious? I'll be glad to get my share of the one hundred million this time, thank you very much. I think these tech guru bloggers are simply feasting on sour grapes because they didn't get in on the opportunity last time and have been kicking themselves ever since.

Just to be clear, you will not find a single blogger complaining that he or she was not paid last time. Everyone got paid what was earned. The company just couldn't sustain the business model without enough advertising. (In 2006, the online advertising business has exploded as billions are spent in online advertsing annually now.) Besides, then as now, there was / is no cost to join anyway! It's all free. Whether you make two dollars a month, twenty dollars a month, or two thousand dollars a month, you are only doing what you would do anyway which is use the Internet. Why are these people complaining about free money?

Is it Spyware?

There's a dreaded word. Spyware is something that tracks web or computer usage without the knowledge or consent of the user. Are the Nielsen ratings "spyware" because the company tracks television viewing habits in order to come up with the ratings? No, they aren't since the Nielsen families are volunteers in the process, just as anyone who signs up for AGLOCO is. The company clearly states on the AGLOCO website what information they are gathering such as the URL of the visited site. If no information was tracked, then they couldn't be serving targeted ads and we web surfers wouldn't be making any money which would ruin the whole point.

(Note to bloggers who like to stir up trouble to get more hits on your own websites: it's not spyware if people volunteer for it. You're just jealous you didn't think up the business model for the company first.)

What does AGLOCO mean?

In case you're wondering AGLOCO stands for A GLObal COmmunity. I don't think that is a very good name for their company since it doesn't tell the potential members what kind of company it is, nor does it indicate how easily you can earn money with them. Another strange marketing choice is that when they write the name of the company, they use all capitals here as I did, but in the actual company logo, they use all small letters.

Since they are willing to give me free money simply for browsing online as I would be doing without them, I'll forgive them for the questionable name choice and logo choice!

Join AGLOCO Here

Ready to sign up for AGLOCO? I hope so. My fingers are sore from all this typing! Sign up and start earning here: AGLOCO SIGN UP

If you would like to REALLY learn how to market online and make money the proper
way then please click here:

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