Thursday, November 30, 2006

How To Use Clickbank To Generate Monster Ongoing Profits!

ClickBank is the Internet's largest digital
marketplace, where thousands of the
web's most popular products are sold
every day.

What what people don't realize is how
easy it is to get started with Clickbank
and how you can start generating
sales even if you have your own

There are a few ways to do this.

1) Acquire Resale Rights to a product
you don't own, create an page for
affiliates and supply them tools to
promote and feed of their efforts.

2) Promote products as an affiliate
using Pay per Click Search Engines

So which method is best?

I've successfully tried both methods,
both with good results.

For the beginner I recommend
promoting products as an affiliate
to get used to how the system works
and to help sharpen your pay per
click search engine advertising

Acquiring Resale Rights to a hot
selling product can be lucrative
venture when set up correctly.

In fact I managed to generate over
$25,764 in sales for a resale license
I paid $197 for without spending
a penny on advertising.

I was able to do this by leveraging
Clickbank's instant affiliate force
which I teach in great depth in my
new course Dominating CB.

Once you have built a successful
customer and lead list there
are also several ways you can
leverage this into even greater

Clickbank is such an attractive
proposition for affiliates to use.
They know they are going to get
paid twice per month and on
clockwork every time.

Sometimes product owners
complain that the fees are higher
than the average merchant
account but the ability to leverage
it's massive network of affiliate
can results in mega profits when
done correctly.

Warm Regards,

Tyler W. Cant

P.S. Also here is a program that will help you setup
your Own Totally Automated Money Making Machine!
Affiliate Cash Secrets is an incredible marketing System
that will help you mak ALOT of money Online! It will also
help you to promote products like Dominating CB to make
even MORE MONEY. To check it out go here:

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Death of Internet Marketing

Hi Again...

Tyler here...

I just got an email about Mike Filsaime's Free Report called - "The Death of Internet Marketing"

I will admit, like you may be feeling now, that I thought it was some hyped up offer to get me to join for free and get some offer...

...Turns out I was wrong. Way wrong.

The bottom line is, this report really opened my eyes to what really is the death of Internet marketing. The good news is, the report also shows you what you need to know to succeed in the near future.

The times are changing and I it would be a shame for anyone to not read this report and fail like many will.

I read it, and I wanted to share it with you ASAP.

I recommend you take a break from what ever it is you are doing if you can and get access to this report now.

Consider your future success by going here now...



PS - Mike says it will only be available for a few weeks at most so do not delay...

PSS - If you would like to get a FREE Report that will show you how to REALLY
Market Online then go here:

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

ListLotto - Play to win at the Double Opt In

ListLotto -

If you know how important List Building is for your Business Online and you want a way to help you build your Internet Marketing list with ease, then ListLotto is the ticket...

Lets first look at what ListLotto is:

Its a Downline List Building web site that lets you email the list you build every 5 days.
There are many other sites like this on the market, such as ListDotCom and YourLuckyList and many others.

Each of these sites allow you to build a list, then mail out to that list every few days or so. The incentive is you can grow your list by sharing information about the main site, which in turn attracts new visitors and then means you build a list of your own.

Provided you build the relationship correctly with these people, you can then start to pull them across to your main sites and market to them from there.

In general, these downline list builders will also let you upgrade to a paid membership which gives you more access to mail more people on the site itself.

This is great in the early days of these sites launch as everyone reads the mail from them and you can get a great response.

Where ListLotto has set itself apart from the current trend of list building web sites, is it gives you the potential to email to the entire house list, no matter how big by winning the weekly free draw, hence the name List Lotto!

The cool part is, for every person you refer, you can gain a further entry into the weekly draw, thus making it Viral... Invite more people, the more chances you will have to win the weekly draw.

Now with the appeal this has, it means that thousands of people will be marketing this site with all the great tools included, even Blog Posts :)

The more people promoting, means the BIGGER the list will be on the site... Imagine for one moment the potenial to mail to hundreds, thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of people? Would'nt that be simply AWESOME...

Well now you can...

ListLotto is the ultimate list builder online and its free to get started... You could win the weekly draw and be sending your information to thousands of interested people.. now that sounds like a list I would want to send to..

To your success

Tyler W. Cant

Also is if you want an excellent free resource on how to build your own list then visit
and join this FREE site:

Feed Shark