Sunday, November 04, 2007

Review of ViralURL

I have been using ViralURL for the last couple of weeks
so I wanted to share my results with you.

First you have to understand that I would not recommend
a marketing tool if I found it did not work or deliver as

The number 1 feature of ViralURL is the link cloaking
feature where the URL of the product or Lead Capture
page you are promoting is hidden so you do not lose
commissions. Here is a really good example of how I
use ViralURL to cloak my link:

By promoting the URL above I get the following benefits:

- Excellent stats as to how many clicks I get per day plus where
the hits came from!

- I earn credits so that my ViralURL Ad will be shown on 1,000's
of sites! Complete automatic traffic generation!

- People will also join ViralURL also from promoting that link

- My commissions are protected from Affiliate ID Hijackers!

So basically I'm building my list 2 different ways, tracking the amount
of traffic and where the traffic is coming from. I'm generating tons of
traffic on complete auto-pilot! Guess what you get to do this as a member!

I'm now averaging about 200 to 300 unique clicks per day from using
ViralURL. That is excellent tragetted traffic for practically doing nothing!

Plus for every signup you generate you will earn $1.00 that will be
paid directly to your Paypal account.

Yes, you can join for free but you will
be missing the gold in them thar hills.

Wisdom is seeing the value of paying
one time for a lifetime membership
and then using that site to earn back your
investment over and over again

Yes, you can join free but when you do
you will have messed yourself up again
and end up paying later and enjoying it less:)

Why pay more when you can get a bargain
from the get go!

Take up the oto when you join up here:

ViralURL is one of the BEST programs to come along
in a long time to help you generate traffic, build your lists,
and earn mon.ey online.

All the best

Tyler W. Cant
Get a system that protects your affiliate commissions, builds
you a huge list & generates you a huge income using leverage?
Limited time offer... get it free for life!


At 3:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tyler
It's a very good stuff for
newbees marketer's.The information
it's a very important for success

At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tyler,

This is a great article and exactly what I was looking for. I have been considering the benefit of this product for a while now and you have helped make up my mind. Keep up the good work!

Matt Lawless

At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Fred Raley said...


Glad we got to hook up again. Missed you much! Yes, ViralURL is a great marketing system. I use it along with a few others to help my folks get more hits.


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