How to Create a Viral Funnel of Traffic for FREE!
Generating massive traffic to build a list is not that hard if you are
shown what to do. The thing is most upline people never teach their
downlines on how to market. Well I do like to show people how to be
successful and I'm going to share a marketing tip now.
First never promote a program directly..EVER! Always promote or send traffic
to a Lead Capture page. This way you build your list, rapore, and trust with
your prospects. Then you can share the programs that are making you mon.ey.
Here is a very easy way to generate a lot of high quality targeted traffic to
your Lead Capture page without spending a dime:
First join the following 3 programs for
Affiliate Funnel (Your Lead Capture System):
Affiliate Funnel
Affiliate Funnel will also promote the programs you
are marketing in the Back Office. So all your subscribers
will see only what you are recommending. Pretty Cool!
ViralURL (Your Viral Traffic Generator):
Viral URL
Croc Ads (Your Automatic Traffic Generator):
Croc Ads
Next the Ad you want to setup in Croc Ads would be something
like this:
"Learn How to Promote
promote your Business
and Not Someone else's!"
The URL you would want to use is one of the Lead Capture URL's that
Affiliate Funnel has setup for us. Here is an example:
Of course you can come up with your own Ad, but the point here is that
your are sending traffic to your Lead Capture page. The better the ad
the more Click's you will get and the more subscribers!
Now here is where things get interesting. You want to take the
Lead Capture URL in Affiliate Funnel and Cloak it with
ViralURL. For example the URL would look something like
So in other words you have turned this URL:
Into this URL:
Now you need to setup a Viral Bar Ad in ViralURL, something like this:
"Build Your Own Business and Not Someone Else's"
The URL you want to use for the Viral Bar ad is the Cloaked Lead Capture
Page URL we setup above (
What is happening is that by promoting your ViralURL cloaked link you
are earning Ad Bar credits that will send traffic to YOUR Ad Bar ad.
By doing the above you are creating a Vortex of traffic that is all going to
your Lead Capture Page thus generating leads, traffic,
and building your list all on Auto-Pilot!
All you have to do is login to Croc Ads everyday and click on 6 to 12
different Ads to generate credits. 1 credit = 1 Ad View.
For each Ad you click on you will earn anywhere from 5 to 20 credits, so
traffic will build up fast even as a member of Croc Ads.
Croc Ads
The above is a very simple but effective way to market online. The
best part you can do this for!
To Your Success
Tyler W. Cant
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Viral URL
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