Saturday, December 20, 2008

How To Generate Free Traffic using Traffic Exchanges

One of the problems with Traffic Exchanges is that it takes
a lot of work and time clicking to earn credits to generate
traffic. So most people give up using traffic exchange
programs. Well I always believe in the saying "work smarter
and not harder".

If you are an Affiliate Marketer one of the best ways to
generate targeted traffic is thru using traffic exchange
programs. The trick is you want to build a downline in
the traffic exchanges that will automatically generate a
constant flow of traffic without you having to spend hours
clicking on links.

I use and promote a program called Affiliate Funnel that
will help you do the following:

- Build a downline in all the best Traffic Exchange programs
- Promote the programs YOU want to promote
- Build an Opt-in list
- Generate a ton of traffic to any site of your choice

Affiliate Funnel allows you to do the above by just promoting
ONE link! AS you will see once you try Affiliate Funnel is
that it will save you a ton of time and generate great

The members of Affiliate Funnel get to rank what they feel
are the best Traffic Exchange program. Affiliate Funnel then
uses statistics and voting data to rank the exchanges so only
the top ones are listed. This is great because you’ll get a
downline in the exchanges that matter most, rather than
building a downline in an exchange that died last year..

One of the best features of Affiliate Funnel is the that
they give you a ton of excellent Splash Pages, and Squeeze
Pages to promote that pull really well on all the Traffic
Exchange sites. So if you want to build a list fast
Affiliate Funnel is a great way to do this!

Finally I’m going to mention the biggest secret of all. On that
lessons page is a link for information about the conference room.
Did you realize that every Saturday at noon EST they have a
conference? I’ve been going to them quite a bit and people are
getting real help on their business. This one’s free too. I
totally recommend the conferences run by Affiliate Funnel!

What is the cost of using Affiliate Funnel? Well it is FREE!
As a free member you get to use all the features of Affiliate
. There is an upgraded paid membership but that is if you
want to buy more traffic to speed things up a bit. But if
you are on a tight budget like me then being a free member
will work for you.

Now I do recommend that you spend at least 30 minutes a day
surfing your favorite traffic exchanges to help build up
traffic. But make sure you are sending that traffic to your
Affiliate Funnel Splash Page or Squeeze page so that you
build a downline in Affiliate Funnel and your Traffic
Exchange programs.

Think of this process as building a snow ball. It starts out
small at first but quickly builds in size with a little work!

Happy Hunting!

Feed Shark