Sunday, October 28, 2007

Why you Need ViralURL!

I always keep an eye out for top notch marketing programs
as they are the easiest, and most affordable way to
build your online business FAST!

You need to join ViralURL if you want to
do the following:

- Protect your Affiliate Links from being Hijacked
- To generate a Ton of Traffic by just using the cloaked links
- To build a huge list fast virally again by just using the system
- To have your Ads displayed on 1,000's of websites
- To have your Ads displayed on 1,000's and 1,000's of emails
- To be able to email your ever growing list everyday
- To be able to email 3,000 random members every 3 days
- much much more!

Here is an example of one of my ViralURL links that I promote
to do all of the above:

Another example:

Does this system work? Absolutely!! Marketing tools like this is
what I use to help build my online business!

Now to get real marketing power that is totally on steriods then
you need to look closely at the One-Time offer that comes up
after you join for The offer is by far the best offer I have
ever seen and if you take advantage of it you will have a program
that will generate tons of Leads, Traffic, and sales for as long
as you remain a member!

I have already gotten several signups to the programs that I'm
promoting using the Viral Ad Bar system! The traffic has been
AMAZING! As more and more people join the more traffic, leads,
and signups I will get.

Join for now:

All the best

Tyler W. Cant
Get a system that protects your affiliate commissions, builds
you a huge list & generates you a huge income using leverage?
Limited time offer... get it free for life!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Reach 3,000 Members Every 3 Days - *Just Pre-Launched*

Boy have We been waiting for this...
Get in pre launch now.

Frank Bauer is just about to launch
a fabulous new site that is right up
your alley.

You are going to eat this one up

I joined from the one time offer
the second I saw it. It's a no brainer.


Because I get to mail to 3000 members
at their contact addresses every single day
and so can you. That is 30,000 members
per month. Nice!


Because I can earn 118.50 in commissions
everytime someone signs up plus montly
residuals and so can you.


Because this is a viral site on steroids!

Here's the scoop.

Two of the biggest problems in Internet Marketing

- Not Having a List to promote to

- Stolen Affiliate Commissions

Now a brand new website has come along enabling you
to combat both issues in one action! By using a very
powerful new tool called the Viralbar! What is
the Viralbar? That is a great question and one that is
not hard to answer: It is a script that will ensure you
protect your earnings, track your hard work, and
build a huge opt-in viral mailing list that you can email
over and over!

Read enough and want to go straight to the site?

This site is Hyper-Viral and puts your efforts on
Steroids. A new industry leader that will make it so
easy for marketers from now on to track their
progress and promotional efforts while building a huge
downline that they can email and earning credits that
enable them to show ads on Viralbars around the

This amazing F.R*E.E membership site offers you
that leverage, all in a few clicks of your mouse!

But...if you want to really use the mailer
and get the full benefit from it, join from
the one time offer. You will kick yourself
if you don't .

Join me in leveraging my time to get a LOT more out
of the same efforts, why make it hard on yourself when
there is a tool that makes is so easy?

WE have an eye out for what works for YOU!

All the best

Tyler W. Cant
An Amazing Marketing System That will Build Your List FAST!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Giblinked reviewed

I have been advising you to join Giblink for
the past several weeks.

I like to test things out before I recommend them
to you but, sometimes it is important to jump
in early, if you have a feeling that a new site is
going to make it and make it big.

206 of you jumped in right away and, good for
you, because actually the site is delivering
exactly what they said they would.

Let's talk money first

I invested 150.00 and sitting in my
account is a now a 10 times return of
my money. You do the math and see what
you come out with and those are my earning
through the week of oct 7th!

I joined Sept 24th, so I would say that
is one hell of a return on my investment.

This means the revenue share part of the
program is working as represented on
the site.

And for those of you who do not want to
promote or can't promote, this is an easy,
passive way for you to earn money.

You do not have to promote to earn
money at this site. You are buying
three positions when you join as a pro
member and that counts as sales for you.

No, you are not going to earn the kind of
dough that I do if you don't promote.

You will need to wait to cycle but we are
estimating from the movement of the
paylines and what we have listened to
on call tapes that you will earn somewhere
in the neighborhood of $800.00 in about 90
days even if you do nothing. Remember this
is a guess estimate not a certainty. It depends
on how many people join and how quickly
they join.

But this thing is flying.
24,000 paid members in one month

I don't know where you can get that kind
of return on your money by doing nothing

Of course, I never recommend doing nothing
You should promote as hard as you can so
that you get all of the benefits of the program

And you should be selling the products they
offer which are superb.

Even more importantly the tools offered in
the members area are simply superb.

I see that some of you have already set up
clubs and put up classified ads and started
blogs. Bravo! That is how you are going to
advance your own business on the net

I have gone shopping in the back office
for domains and have bought at least 20
domains which I intend to use in the future
You can do this too.

The hosting offered for your websites are
really really inexpensive so if you need
web hosting, you should check this out.

Not everything is perfect yet.

This is a new site and boy do I know about
launching new sites. Nothing works perfectly
and it take some time to work out the glitches

Those of you who have been through many
launches with us, know how that goes:)

So sometimes the forum has been down at

Sometimes, there was trouble logging in
but what I see is a company who is right on
top of these kind of glitches and works at
it until they are done right

They now have a dynamite forum up and
running and you should go in and take a look

They have set up a pay processor that works
for everyone in the world and has lots of pay
options for you. Debit cards for straight withdrawals
transfers to you bank, the ability to send money
to other people.

I like this since it closes out no one in any country
which means that the growth potential for this
site is limitless.

For those of you who have been sitting on the
fence on this one, let me tell you what happens
to fence sitters...

They fall off and land in the mud:)

Don't let this happen to you again
Make Your move.

Either one of two things will happen

This will be a roaring success and you will have
missed it again

Or it will muddle along for awhile and then
become a booming success and you will have
missed it again:)

I frankly don't think this site can miss

It has all the bells and whistles of My Space
and You Tube but with a payplan which really
sets it aside from all other sites on the net right

It's a brilliant idea.

If it works, it will make a lot of you wealthy

If it muddles along, you will have to wait
longer for your money but patience is a thing
we could all use a bit more of around here.

The thing I like about it is that there are
no matrixes to fill and everyone who joins
under you is moving you up to a position
where you get paid.

The entire 24,000 paying members that
have joined are all working as a team to
get YOU paid. This is novel and brilliant

Every time someone joins, they are working
to get you paid since you are ahead of them

And there are no tire kickers here.
Everyone has paid to join so you can
do some business with some very savy
people in the members area.

Can you really afford not to try this?

I don't think so.

In about 10 days, Phil and I and a mystery partner
of ours will be releasing something that will
help you promote your Giblink link sky high so
keep an eye out for that. It will be free and it
is designed to sky rocket you sales.

That is all I can say about it right now or I
will get shot by my partners.

In the meantime, I would not be a duff sitter on
this one.

Join up.
Take a look around
Start using the tools in the members area

Promote it if you have a mind to or be
passive and wait to cycle.

Just remember if you do promote it you
stand to make oodles of money over and
over again so I recommend you take this
path if you can.

I don't think you can go wrong here in anyway

It's Monday

Wake up from the weekend and smell the roses

Take a risk
It is what business is all about.

Tyler W. Cant
An Amazing Marketing System That will Build Your List FAST!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Giblish Is Spoken World Wide by the Gibrus and..

There's a new language on the net

We affectionately call it Giblish.

Members are speaking it from 145
countries all over the world.

There are even some "gibrus" speaking
the lingo

Gibguru Mike G is speaking it
Gibguru David Dubbs is speaking it
Gibgur Craig Haywood is speaking it
Gibguru Phil Basten is Speaking it
Gibguru Frank Sousa is Speaking it
I am speaking it. I think I'm a Gibguru?

Are You?

What is it?

Take a look

It's My Space, You Tube and Go Daddy
rolled into one with this very exciting

They pay you and...
then they pay you again
and then they pay you again

We call this Gib Profit:)

Aw, Jane, come on GibMeABreak

I'm not kidding you.

This is a networking site with a revenue
share program that keeps on giving

We call it Gibgiving

What do you have to do?


Sign up as a pro member here

Note: Do NOT sign up as a standard
member unless you DO want to promote
You will need to recruit 2 paying members
to get paid as a standard member.

Sign up Pro-A GibProOnline

As a pro member you do not have to
recruit anyone to get paid so please be
careful when you sign up.

Choose PRO if you can swing it

Now here are some facts

The program just launched on Oct 15
They paid out close to 1 million dollars
in commissions on their first commission
run .

That's a lot of Gibolas

I got paid a nice little chunk of that
Enough to put a down payment on a car
or start a college fund for my grandson
or take a luxury vacation.

You can do this too.
Just pop over here and sign up today

But in case you think this site is just
about money, think again

This has one of the best back offices
for networking I have ever seen
Sorry, My Space. Move over...
Giblink is here

You can join the forum
You can get classified ads up
You can set up clubs
You can announce events
You can set up a blog
You can make videos
You set up chat rooms
and on and on

You can get connected with the rest of the
world who are all speaking Giblish now

The products you can purchase and or sell
through this site are some of the most
sought after on the net i.e

Domain registrations
Web-site Builder Services
Live Chat
Everything and I mean everything you need
for your online business.
You gotta check it out now.

This is a site that will keep paying you
4 ways around forever. Read the pay plan
at the site.

You need to do this today

The sooner you get in...
The sooner you will be speaking Giblish
and join the group of Gibrus who are
making TheGibMoney.

and...remember ...
Never Gib Up

GibLuck and GibNight

Tyler W. Cant
An Amazing Marketing System That will Build Your List FAST!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

GibLine - What's Happening?

GibLink is breaking records in the industry like never
seen before!

In fact, GibLink is responsible for MASSIVE duplication
NOT only for "big hitters" and savy marketers, but plain
average guys and gals are seeing massive results here.
This is Real!!!


Giblink is breaking ALL records. It s a MONSTER!

Because the timing here right and now will never
return for getting in ahead of the masses that
are sure to follow You in GibLink if You Join Now!!


Apart from that, this is an incredible way to
promote your main business, whatever you
promote or sell.

Here s just a few things that has happened
with this Monster over the past days:

> First of all, Giblink is an amazing community
and advertising system where you can also
earn a nice share of the company's revenues.

Simply by joining as a paid member, you'll
get positioned in our One single, Straightline
revenue sharing plan!

> In just 5 short weeks, over 22,OOO paid
members have joined, and right now we're
growing with 700 - 1000+ new paid members
EVERY DAY! This is unheard of!

> This last week, they blew out 4 conference
lines, including the Talkshoe online bridge
as over 100,000 people tried to get on their

Their traf.fic rank is shooting throught the roof,
as Alexa now ranks GibLink among the Top 5K
most visited web sites in the world!

> Considering this is a *true straightline* revenue
sharing plan, fact is, everyday you wait, you're
actually loosing out on these new people that
could be in your line as EVERYONE joining
after you, WILL be placed below you pushing you
automatically through the paying cycling "ladders",
if You Join Now as a Pro member:

> We had our first commission run this week
and literally EVERYONE of paid members have been
paid the first week, payouts range from $10
to over 10 Grand++ only for the activity
during the pre-launch phase.

Get in on the action Now:


Exacty when we'll be hitting the 1OOK paid members
mark, I don t know, but they are expecting over
50,000 paid members by the end of this year and over
2 million paid members by the end of next year!!

Those of us in Joining now will be greatly rewarded
financially for Joining during this early phase.


Recommended: Go for a PRO account. I know
you will regret if you don't... as You will be fully qualified
to earn increasing income as you move through the paying
cycling "ladders" and there is "no sponsoring" required as
a Pro member!

But...If You do sponsor, You will receive a 100% matching
bonus on ALL of Your personal referrals income! Wow!!!

Together We Will Succeed with GibLink!

To Your Success!

Tyler W. Cant
An Amazing Marketing System That will Build Your List FAST!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Last Chance to Join Before Launch Tomorrow!

GibLine is launching tomorrow... Mon, Oct 15th!!!

If you haven't joined yet... Now is the time to Join the GibLine
and be a part of the first paying cycling wave:

Get the FACTS.... GibLine is Sweeping the internet, worldwide.
It has the one main thing I have been looking can be
completely PASSIVE INCOME!

There is NO SPONSORING required in order to earn, unless you choose
to go that route.

Definitions to better help you understand this exceptional program.
"Giblink" is the program name ...
"Gibline" is the revenue sharing and or the pay plan ...
"Gibsales" is the product and services section [extra income]...
And a "pod" is a "position" in the program.

The gibline Straight Line Revenue Sharing Program is a revolutionary
new system designed to "leave no one behind" in earning income!

How is it possible that "No One is left behind" and EVERYONE makes money?

EVERYONE joining the Program starts at the bottom of gibLine #I -
NO EXCEPTIONS. Everyone is treated the same. Global straight line system
so that everybody helps everybody, NO MATTER WHO SPONSORED THEM!

Listen to one of our members only open call:


Every time 5 people come in, anywhere in the world, the person at the
top cycles and then re-enters at the bottom. We all get paid, then we
are automatically re-entered into the next highest level.
The money you earn doubles every cycle!

Starting at $50, then $100, then 200, 400, 800, 1600,3200, 6400 etc."
It's like standing at the bottom of a ladder. Everytime 5 people come in
at the bottom step You are moved up a step until you reach the top.
Once there... You cycle and get and move to the bottom of the
next higher paying ladder.

TIMING!!! This is the last day to join and move with the first paying cycling wave.

GibLine is launching tomorrow... Mon, Oct 15th!!!

If you haven't joined yet... Now is the time to Join the GibLine:

This program will be amazing no matter when you join, only because every
3 months we all re-enter to keep it all moving. Imagine, there are now 15,000
members in the line and then in 90 days, everyone automatically re-Enters
pushing You up the ladder again and again!

I'd like to see You get involved before the masses and take advantage of this
cycling paying 1st wave starting tomorrow!

Right now members must join at either the Standard level ($50 - 1 POD)
or the Pro level ($150 - 3 PODS) CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED.

Understand the difference between the 2 levels of membership. You initially
receive 1 or 3 pods (positions) in gibLine...Standard Membership gives
you 1 pod, a Pro Membership gives you 3 pods (positions) in the line.

VERY IMPORTANT - To be very clear, passive members are well advised
to enter at the Pro level. By doing so, you will have 3 pods (positions) and you
will be fully qualified to move to the bottom of the next higher paying ladder.

It is also important to note that you will receive 100% matching bonuses
on your 2nd and 3rd pods EACH time they cycle. To state this in other
terms, by coming in at the Pro level, the 2 additional positions or
"pods" that you purchase take the place of 2 personal referrals. These
positions are treated as if you referred 2 members yourself.

To Your Success!

Tyler W. Cant
An Amazing Marketing System That will Build Your List FAST!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

How to really generate A LOT of Traffic!

I have been involved in Internet marketing for almost 7 years now. You may not know you or me might know me but the point is I know a lot about this game. I have read hundreds of e-books, tried hundreds of different marketing programs, setup Blogs, use Squidoo, Myspace, written articles, you name it! What I have learned is most of the things I just mentioned work but they don’t work great!

Sure you will generate maybe a few thousand hits per month but that is about it. The amount of work you would have to do to generate that amount of traffic would be way more than any full-time job! Frankly the amount of money you MIGHT generate will not be worth the effort!

I know what I just said is probably shocking some of you and taking the wind out of your sails. But you need to know the truth on how to generate a lot of high quality targeted traffic. I mean you need at least 20,000 to 30,000 targeted hits per month to generate a decent income to live off of! If your not getting that type of traffic then you are not making much money.

So how do you get that type of traffic? Simple you need to setup your own Affiliate program where you get others to do the marketing for you! Now I know a lot of you are saying well that is too difficult to do!! Well actually it is not and you will be amazed at how easy it is to do.

Here is a tip: When you see all these Affiliate programs being advertised that have a site that you can join, offer an enticing One Time Offer, don’t you ask yourself where these programs come from, and who develops them? Well there are thousands of Re-Brandible e-books, programs, products that you can get for a very small price, or even free where you can either sell or give away yourself!

Think about this, how would you like to market a product that is related to your market niche listed on ClickBank, and PayDotCom. If you did then you potentially will have a sales force of hundreds maybe thousands marketing your program for you!

That is how you get serious Traffic that will generate, targeted traffic, targeted leads, and actual sales. Not only do you have a sales force doing the work for free, you also have a system that builds your traffic virally downwards. Starting to see the picture?

If you want to learn how to do this (and believe me it is a lot easier than you think) you can download 2 Free Reports to get you started by clicking here:

Affiliate Cash Secrets will teach you how to do what I talked about above, but it also gives you a system that you can use to do the above for you!!! So if you think setting up your own program is too difficult then join Affiliate Cash Secrets and it will do it for you!

Tyler W. Cant
Learn How The Pro's Really Market Online!

Easily setup your Own Re-Seller Sites!

If you haven't seen this already, take a look...

Say goodbye to the frustration of setting up your own
reseller sites. Because my new software does its all
for you!

Instant Plug-N-Go Reseller Sites!

=> You keep all the profits
=> You keep the customer leads
=> You DON'T have to set anything up!

Just promote your referral link and my software creates
a special reseller page with your name on it...and the
payments go straight to your PayPal account!

And the best part is...

I can add ANY product to the system that comes with master
resale rights! That's right YOU can suggest any information
product you want and - if it's a high-quality product -
I'll buy it set it up for you.

Start your 30-Day Trial here:

To your success!

Tyler W. Cant
Another Great Money Maker that is Free!

Feed Shark