Saturday, April 21, 2007

Important Update From FreeIQ

Here is a really good update from Brad Fallon the CEO of FreeIQ. Please read it as I know it will be of great interest to you:

"Free IQ Affiliate Education Starts with a Free Shawn Casey Conference Call

As a company fueled by our content providers and affiliates, a primary focus of Free IQ is to provide one of the best opportunities for affiliates and content providers in the history of marketing.

The beginning of our commitment to our affiliates is teaching you how to get the most out of Free IQ. So we've arranged for some of the top marketers in the world to teach you what they know about affiliate marketing, information marketing, creating content, and dozens of other important topics. These marketers will share with you the ideas, techniques, and strategies that they've used to develop some of the largest businesses and most loyal followings in all of information marketing.

The first of these training calls will be this coming Tuesday, April 24 at 8PM EDT with my friend Shawn Casey. In a blog post at earlier this month Shawn wrote:

I'm often asked,
"I don't have a product, I don't have a website and I don't have any can I make money?"
My answer is always the same: Affiliate programs.

And how strong an affiliate marketer is Shawn Casey?

In that example, Shawn went on to tell how he alerted some of his customers about a product that he was an affiliate for. Shawn made such a massive amount of money starting 11 minutes later that he had to change PayPal accounts so PayPal wouldn't shut him down.

So what are Shawn's secrets for earning such big money in affiliate marketing? He'll tell you on Tuesday's call. Shortly before 8PM EDT call 319-279-1000 then simply punch in the code for the call, which is 105-8655.

Rest assured that this is just the start of the most comprehensive affiliate training you'll find anywhere. We know that your success will largely drive Free IQ's success, and the knowledge that is going to be shared with you will have you uniquely positioned to succeed with Free IQ.

By the way, if you have a schedule conflict for Shawn's call, don't worry about missing it, we'll have the audio of it up on Free IQ the next day.

Have a great weekend. We'll see you on the call on Tuesday night.

See you soon,

Brad Fallon
Free IQ"

Thursday, April 19, 2007

FreeIQ what is it all about?

I'm getting a lot of questions as to what FreeIQ is and
how do you make mon.ey with FreeIQ?

Well I will try and explain it here in this Post!

First FreeIQ is similar to YouTube except that it is geared more
towards the Internet Marketer, and people that want to share
REAL Content Online!

You can upload and share all types of media and not just
Videos. For example you can upload PDF Files, E-Books,
audio recordings etc.. What is great is that you will be able
to Charge people to access your Content if you want!

Stop. Re-read that please.

THIS is the solution that absolutely everyone with any
kind of information product has been waiting for!

And not only can you earn by selling your own products and
services (yes, services too) via this ground-breaking site, but
it has built in affiliate modules which will allow you to recruit
partners and create joint ventures so that everyone wins!

FreeIQ is a Totally service that easily allows you to
uplaod and share, sell any digital media Content. This
of course will help drive Targeted Traffic to any website
that you are promoting!

The other great thing about FreeIQ is that it is VERY EASY
to use and the interface is very well laid out!

FreeIQ is set to become a powerhouse in online media
delivery. My advice is just join and learn what FreeIQ can
do for your Online Marketing activities! If you don't ACT now
you will regret this in the future!

Click Here To Join:



Tyler W. Cant

p.s. With a two-tier affiliate program, you earn
on your referrals, AND all of their referrals, too!
That's why you are seeing so many people rush to tell
you about it. It's easy to become a new affiliate.
Just click this link, and fill out a brief form...


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

FreeIQ is Smart and Free...and Easy

Chances are you are seeing gurus falling all over
themselves to tell you how great FreeIQ is going
to be.

The fact is, it's already great.

Here's the page to join as a new affiliate:


FreeIQ is now one of the Top 3 Marketing tools
that I use to market online! The Best thing about
this is that FreeIQ is just that...FR.EE!


Because it levels the playing field for getting your
stuff seen by more people.

Put up free stuff, or charge for it, and let FreeIQ
handle the delivery and payment processing.

Here's the page to start putting up your own new


They've even set up lead capturing systems on the
site that you can integrate with Aweber easily.

But what everybody should also be telling you is the
affiliate program is awesome.

Two tiers and 1-year cookies. Meaning that your
chances of earning commiss|ons when you refer others
to your own free content is the highest I've ever
seen from a free program.

Here's the page to learn the details of the affiliate


Will this be the greatest thing since YouTube, Squidoo
and MySpace?

Who knows.

But I'm not going to wait before putting it to use!

And I'd suggest you join me in making the site rock...


Rembember there is NO COST to join and be an
Upgraded member!


Tyler W. Cant

p.s. With a two-tier affiliate program, you earn
on your referrals, AND all of their referrals, too!
That's why you are seeing so many people rush to tell
you about it. It's easy to become a new affiliate.
Just click this link, and fill out a brief form...


Monday, April 16, 2007

FreeIQ is Live and Running..Join for Free!

If you have been waiting for the beta to flesh itself out before getting started, wait no longer. Beta is done! is up and running!

Wait no longer. Rush to be one of the first to post your content and get a front runners advantage. Imagine if you were running the Boston Marathon. Wouldn't you much rather be at the front of the pack or way in the back struggling to pass those who started before you. If all indications are right about the potential for this Sign Up site, the people who get started first will have a huge advantage. With tons of ways of making money, here is what I suggest.

1. Jump in now with both feet and Sign Up NOW!
2. Upgrade your account so you can get paid by FreeIQ (This is FREE).
3. Setup your affiliate links. This will be in your account manager.
4. Start sending your customers, friends and family to FreeIQ.

I very very very seldom get on the “it’s just like “x” but better” bandwagon but in this case, we’ve got a very very different situation on our hands.

First of all - the monetization side of things (and where would this blog be without that?): This whole “share the wealth” thing that all the other sites has been promising is tightly integrated into their affiliate program from the very beginning. You bet I joined it. You can join FreeIQ here.

You bring people into Free IQ and they start buying content, you see a piece of the action. Content providers now know that people are compensated for selling their content and, wow, the snowball effect begins.

Secondly - want to add your own content to Free IQ? Did you know you can set the exact timecode moment in video for a thumbnail (or set your own). Very nice. Start selling it and you get a piece of the action. Offer it for free and grab some very optimized for the search engines real estate for your content.

Look at how clean the interface is? No flashing Hilton Romance Package (or worse) around your content. I’ve always said the money is in the content, not the 25 cent cpm model that everyone else seems to be pushing. Free IQ gets that.

Keep your eyes on this one. Very important, very disruptive, very cool. And put together by some very smart people who know what they’re doing.

Get started NOW right here:

The main site is here:

Almost forgot to tell you about the Personal page that you can promote as well. This is cool because it also acts as a Lead Capture page. You can have your leads that Opt-In do one of the following choices:

- Just be added to your Leads list in FreeIQ which you can view.
- Opt-In to your AWeber autoresponder system is you are a member.
- Opt-In to 1ShoppingCart again if you are a member.

Here is what your customizable Author Page looks like:

Remember FreeIQ is TOTALLY Free even as an Upgraded member. There is NO Cost to this program! Also the people that join now and get going with this great opportunity are the ones that will reap the rewards down the road!


Tyler W. Cant
The Number 1 Lead Generation System Online!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

**Guru Slayer is LIVE. Super Bonus Available!!**

The 'Guru Slayer' has just gone

I've got some exciting news. Andrew Fox's
Guru Slayer course is now live, so now
you can get your copy of this course.

Make sure you are one of the
first *500 customers* to qualify
for the fast action bonuses.

This is the blueprint an ordinary
26 year old used to profit $74,431+
of affiliate sales in just 6 weeks

You don't need a website, email list
or even your own product for this system
to work for you.

Go now to:


Why Internet Marketing need's
'Slapped' and why it's time to

- by Andrew Fox

© Andrew Fox - All Rights reserved


I can remember it all too clearly..

Back in 1999, when I began my
journey online there were only 5-10
'experts' in Internet Marketing.

It was a wonderful place to live
in, a safe environment where you
could work and breathe without
being poisoned with some hyped
up product.

Fast forward and the industry,
started to change. The 'sharks'
smelt blood and entered our
market place and started
destroying the industry..

What happened?

Simple really...

Greed. Products upon products
started to filter into the market
place like a tidal wave - relentless
and not caring about the damage
it left in it's wake...

People running up HUGE debts
on credit cards, in some cases
taking equity out of their homes
just to become another victim of
a vicious scam.

I monitored everything, my blood
boiling every second of the day
until it was too much.

That was when the 'Guru Slayer'
was born - a guide created for
an ordinary person to follow a
step by step plan online.

Not hype, not fluff or any BS. Short,
sharp, crisp and to the point.
No high price tag, no hard

I only hope it will help the market
place return to the state we
once had it in...

Warm Regards,

Andrew Fox


Andrew Fox has been marketing online
since 1999. His latest product the
'Guru Slayer' fights back against a
polluted industry that has destroyed
the lives on many. See his story at

Free free to reproduce this article to
your own website/ ezine list.


Feed Shark