Agloco Paid to Surf Program: Right for You?
If you haven't heard the buzz about Agloco, in summary, it is a new company that offers a way to make money online. This is accomplished by downloading a small toolbar and keeping it on at least some of the time (up to 5 hours a month) while online or surfing the Net. Agloco also offers an income opportunity, cash and shares in the company, for those who wish to take the program more seriously, by acquiring referrals. Agloco referrals can be gained directly by you or though your referrals, as the program pays on 5 levels. Is it a pyramid scheme? No, at least not the scheme part, for it costs nothing to join and you don't need to buy anything to make money. There are other concerns however and following are the most frequent ones noted on the Internet.
Is Agloco safe or will it contain spyware?
The simple answer is yes it is safe and no it does not contain spyware. Spyware involves taking information from you without your permission. This happens frequently enough, if you are not running anti-spyware, whether you intentionally download something or not, such as when you visit a Web site. As far as safety, potentially _any_ program that you use on the Internet, including your Web browser, music players or other toolbars has potential risks. In comparison with other Web browser add-ons (.e.g. Google or Yahoo toolbar, etc.) the Agloco toolbar is on par for safety (see privacy), barring some unforeseen development.
How much money can I earn with Agloco?
Individuals who run the Agloco toolbar without getting any referrals will likely only make a few dollars a month, which is fine for some people who wouldn't otherwise receive the money. Referrals are where the money is made. If you acquire 5 Agloco referrals (a modest number), and each of them averages 2 referrals, on down the line, the monthly figure is: 761.25. Increase that number to 5 (for each of your referrals) and the number is 4886.25 a month. You can see how it adds up, but it will depend on the value of the company shares to what you actually make, it could be more or less than $1 per share. There is a calculator at the Agloco Web site to determine potential income.
How do I know I won't be "ripped off" ... as in the past?
AllAdvantage, Agloco's predecessor per se, paid out 100 million dollars in their paid to surf program before the bust. The Agloco program appears more sound and since the cap is 5 hours a month, Agloco is not subject to the extent of cheating and lost revanue that occured with the earlier program. There is no logical reason to think the company itself will deceive anybody, or not pay members. But as with any startup company, the program may be less profitable than expected, or even turn out to be a flop. If that is the case, there is no investment, except perhaps a little time, lost. Otherwise, if you decide to pay for advertising to gain Agloco referrals, that is a calculated judgment call and not promoted by the company. What about my privacy? The Agloco privacy policy is open and the personal information provided is voluntary. One of the members on board is a privacy guru, Ray Everett-Church, who you can investigate. In addition, Agloco's privacy policy is based "upon the eight principles of Fair Information Practices first issued by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in 1980. (See: Full text)." If Agloco would breach their privacy policy, not only would it be illegal it would be contrary to their business model as Agloco's value to advertisers is in keeping the information proprietary. On the other hand, in reviewing their privacy policy, it states there will be a need to share information with third-parties Agloco works with, (the same is true of your Internet service company for example) who are also bound to strict requirements. Nevertheless, if you feel that sharing any information about yourself is a risk to yourself or a major inconvenience, this program is probably not for you. Should I wait to join until after Agloco has proven itself? The wait and see approach is the safest route whether considering a new opportunity such as Agloco or a new product release from Microsoft. Let other people work out the bugs as they say. The downside is that it will be much harder to gain referrals as the market will get saturated. Again with AllAdvantage, most people that made significant money (thousands a month) started the program in the beginning. As you are not committed to anything, for many people starting early makes more sense. So in deciding if the Agloco paid to surf program is for you, look at the facts and make an educated decision. Often rumors and alarmists confuse the picture, conversely so do fanatical proponents of a company. It appears that Agloco is low-risk and is not a scam. Agloco has an educated and experienced team (members listed at their Web site) as well as a positive philosophy on rewarding its members, with 90% of the ad revanue put back into the company for members to share. For some people the program will be worth any minor inconvenience, such as seeing ads, and for others it simply will not be. Refferal Link: One of the Best Systems Online for Building Referral, Lists, and making money is Affiliate Cash Secrets. You can join this great system for Free here: