Monday, September 17, 2007

How To Email Close to 2,000 Real Contacts Per!

How would you like to email close to 2,000 Real
Contact email addresses per week for Free?

I bet you think there is a catch..right? NOT!

Believe it or not there are very good marketing
resources and money making opportunities
that are TOTALLY FREE!

For example ListJoe is a free list building
program where you can earn credits for
opening emails and clicking on a link. For
each email you can earn between 5 to 20
Credits. On average I'm earning close to
500 Credits every 3 days!

What this means is that every 3 days I can
send an add to around 500 Random active
members of ListJoe! Let me tell you that the
ListJoe members are VERY Active as they
are Online marketers just like yourself.

Remember you get to do this as a FREE member!

If you join FreeAdDepot for you also get credits
for opening emails and clicking on a link as well.
Again you get between 5 to 20 Credits for each email
that you open. On average I'm getting over 100 Credits
per day! That is at least 700 credits per week. Therefore
you get to send your ad to 700 Random active members
of FreeAdDepot each week! Again a very Responsive

So by joining the above 2 programs you will be able to
market to almost 2,000 random real contacts each
week for FREE! So if you want to build a list this is
a great way to start that will cost you nothing!!

Now if you want to market a GREAT Opportunity that
can make you A LOT of money in the future then you
should look at this NEW program that is TOTALLY
Free as well:

There is nothing better than building your own list,
and making money for Free ONLINE!

To Your Success!

Tyler W. Cant
Build YOUR Business Not Someone Else's


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