Sunday, August 19, 2007

List Bandit Reviewed

Yesterday I was saying that List Bandit
does everything but cook dinner for you

I was wrong.
It cooks your goose!:)

The more I see of it, The more I like it

Yes, I am talking about List Bandit which
I introduced to you yesterday.

If you haven't yet joined it, do it now
When the mailer goes live, you will have
a list to mail to and you know how I feel
about lists.

You can NEVER have too many lists to mail

I want you to take a serious look at
what else this site does for you.

List Bandit Reviewed...

You have two choices

You can join for free and ,yes ,you will
get some value out of that but, as in
any program, the bang for the buck
comes in being a paid member.

Here's why.

First of all if you are a free member you
do not earn commissions. I always feel that
if you are going to bother with a program,
you should bother with it and be able to earn
commissions at the same time

To earn commissions, you need to be a paid
member of List Bandit so right there is a
darn good reason to upgrade or join through
the one time offer which really gives you the
most bang for your buck. You pay once and
that's it. You get to use all of the services
available in the members area.

If you join free, you can always upgrade
later but you will pay a heavy price for
missing the oto. The monthly fees are fair
but pricey.

Here's are the features I like best.

First of all Gary Ambrose has come up
with some very creative ways to grow
your list which means you have members
to mail to and on the net, you need members
to mail to or your goose is cooked.

Gary has designed a kind of spin the wheel
concept which will let all members get new
and different members into their list which
is just devine. This is, of course, in addition
to those members that you bring into your
list yourself and that you can mail to.

As your list grows, you get random leads
assigned to you and you can export them
to your own opt in list. That is a superb feature
and that feature, alone, is worth the entry price.

Then there's your own ad which you can
put up which randomly shows whenever
someone log into the site. This ad, when
it is clicked on, brings additional members
into your list. I like that but...

Paid members get those nice glossy ones
at the top of the page which really stand
out so who's ads do you think are going to
get clicked on? The glossy, shinny ones of
course:) and who is going to get the additional
members in their list? Paid members of course

Gary has also designed into the list building
a matrix system that will grow you list. I am
not the one to review that. Most of you know
that matrixes and how they work make my
eyes glaze over but, in this case, they add
more members to your mailing and that is
the name of the game on the net.

List Bandit gives you the opportunity to
grow a large list fast so the numbers you
are getting to mail to should give you a good
response. Plus the C0-Reg Leads that List Bandit
generates for you will help build your own list

And, remember, the leads you can export to your
own opt in list are worth their weight in gold and
they will be people you can reach at their contact
addresses on your own list.

Overall, List Bandit is a darn good list building
and list mailing site and we love to see that on
the net.

My recommendation is that you sign up to
List Bandit today if you have not already done
so and take up the one time offer so you can
get sign ups and sales and have a large list to
mail to.

Signing off for today

Remember...Lists on the net are like potato
chips. You can never get enough of them
and at List Bandit, it looks to me like you can
make out like a bandit for a relatively inexpensive
entry fee.

All the best

Tyler W. Cant


At 11:36 AM, Blogger FERN Distributor said...

i see that you're also into CF and DCC... just wanted to give you a heads up on this new program out there that pays $12,250 for only $160 per position! for more info!


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