Friday, March 16, 2007

Squidoo Really Works if You Want Lots of Free Traffic!

I have only been actively involved with Squidoo for the last month but I have heard about Squidoo for quite sometime. At first I did not understand what Squidoo was but now I do.

Here is a good explanation of what Squidoo is:

"Squidoo is a network of user-generated lenses --single pages that highlights one person's point of view, recommendations, or expertise. Lenses can be about anything, such as ideas, people or places, hobbies and sports, pets or products, philosophy, and politics. Lenses aren't primarily intended to hold content; more emphasis is placed on recommending and then pointing to content on the web. Annotation and organization and personalization delivers context and meaning.

Users who create lenses are called lensmasters. A lensmaster uses the tools available online to provide links, feeds, abstracts, and lists to users who are trying to make sense of a topic. For example, a single lens could point to Flickr photos, Google maps, blogs, eBay auctions, YouTube videos, and other links. Lensmasters are encouraged to promote personal agendas, expertise, causes, products, and opinions.

Squidoo splits its revenue with its "co-op" of lensmasters. 5% goes straight to charity, first. Then 50% goes to the lensmasters. 45% goes to Squidoo. The site is estimating that nearly half of all the lensmasters on the site are donating their royalties to any of 45 featured charities, ranging from NPR and The American Heart Association to smaller organizations like Chimp Haven and Planet Gumbo.

Squidoo was founded by author, speaker, and notable blogger Seth Godin. On Godin's founding team was his book editor Megan Casey, Fast Company employee Heath Row, Corey Brown, and Gil Hildebrand, Jr."

Now that you have an understanding of what Squidoo is I will now explain why it is a great tool to get ALLOT of High Quality Targeted Traffic.

First of all Google LOVES Squidoo! In other words Squidoo Lenses on Specific topics show up VERY HIGH on Google Search results. I personally have seen in several searches on Google tons of Squidoo Lenses in the Top 10 of Search Results!

Why does Google love Squidoo? Well it's because Squidoo delivers ALLOT of Specific high quality Content! A Lens is usually focused on a Specific topic. So a Lens can deliver allot of Relevant content which Google loves. The better and more relevant content the higher the ranking the lens will get in Google!

Now here is another reason Squidoo will give you lots of traffic an that is Squidoo gives you the ability to add Tags (keywords). Here is an explantion why Tags work:

"When you create a lens, you are asked to choose a primary keyword
(or tag) plus three additional ones. Too many people stop there.

Two reasons should compel you to add 20-30 more.

First, tags are search engine magnets.

Because of the way tags are coded into your webpage's HTML (all
without you having to do a thing), search engines like Google eat
them up. Also, when users search on Google for your tags, they may
not come across your page immediately but the overall Tag Page
within Squidoo. If you tag your lenses correctly, then your lenses
will be discovered this way.

Second, tags are the only variable that Squidoo uses during its
searches (unless this has recently changed).

When a visitor comes to Squidoo and uses the search box, the
results are determined first by the tags of all the pages, and
second by page rank.

So even though your lens may be all about Marilyn Monroe, for
example, unless you actually have Marilyn Monroe as a tag in your
lens, you will have a hard time getting natural traffic to your

Finally, as you add tags to your lens (simply click edit tags
in your lens workshop to get started), Squidoo will provide good
suggestions for more tags. Simply click those new tags and they
will be added to your list (Really Cool Feature!).

Well the above give you two examples or reasons why Squidoo can and will deliver Traffic to your Lens. Now remember Squidoo is Totally FREE! Plus you can create as many lenses on any topic you wish! There are other ways to get traffic and that is by adding you Lens or Lenses to other Squidoo Groups that relate to your Topic!

Now here is something I would like to share with you that I find very interesting. My Blog gets a steady amount of traffic everyday. Google Analytics gives me a detailed report on where the Traffic is coming from. Since I started creating Lenses on Squidoo my traffic to my Blog has increased allot and almost 25% of the traffic to my Blog is now coming from Squidoo! This started happening in as little as two weeks. Squidoo makes it very easy to add your Blogs RSS Feed to your Lens! Another Great and Cool Squidoo Feature.

Frankly if you have something to market the first thing I would do is Create a Squidoo Lens as fast as you can!

Check out my lens


At 10:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Squidoo is really a great place to create an ad for your business. I really like it too.

Squidoo Lens about Affiliate Marketing

Sherry Tingley

At 1:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many thanks Tyler for caring enough to share this invaluable information.
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