Monday, March 05, 2007

Scam Alert - Please Read this POST!

Holy schmoly! This site has one of the most riveting sales letters
I have read in a long time.

It grabs you by the "brass sphericals" clamps down like a vice and stubbornly
refuses to let go. is sooo sad. The product is pure GOAT DUNG.

Do this, press the link below, read the brilliant sales letter, but for the
love of all that is holy, do NOT buy: (Come back here though and let's talk about it.)

First, my brigade of red flags started waving at the first 3 words of the letter:

"Urgent Press Release": Let me tell ya', that is NOT a press release any more than
I look like George Clooney and can dance like Usher.

AND...I have a big problem with calling what they are selling a "type at home"
opportunity. It is a marketing opportunity or an affiliate marketing opportunity,
but in my opinion it is down right misleading, if not just barely scraping under
the legal limits of "truth in advertising" to call it a "type at home" opportunity.
(In fact I have it from insider sources that one of the biggest of these "type at home"
products had to be revamped to stay out of hot water)

But, I could almost...almost...look the other way if the product was decent, but is little more than an intro on how to use Google Adwords. It gives
you just enough information to LOSE a lot of money.

What's here is the part I think is the SADDEST! You really CAN make a very
nice and comfortable living working from your house promoting affiliate products with
Google Adwords.

How in the heck do I know? Because this is exactly how I earn 90% of all of my

Labor Day weekend, I sat on my lazy duff all day just
chillin' and watchin' the boob tube, but I earned more yesterday than 75% of
the US population makes slaving away working a 40 hour work week.

In June and the first half July of 2006 I earned more than I did working for
the man in ALL OF 2005!

You CAN do this too, but you need a more realistic path to follow, here are 3 things
I recommend:

1. Get the right guide: one that will not only show you the ins and outs of Google
Adwords, but one that will take you behind the scenes and show you how to apply this
to affiliate programs the right way. Including very specific details.

I have bought every single guide to Google Adwords...I am serious!

  • Google Cash
  • Google 123
  • Google Profits
  • Perry Marshall's Definitive Guide to Adwords
  • Perry Marshall's Black Belt (Advanced)
  • The Adwords Black Book
  • Adwords Miracle
  • Google Cash Machine
  • Data Entry Pro (another disguised as a type at home product)
  • Affiliate Project X
  • Beating Adwords
  • and many more that you probably never heard of...

So which one would I recommend? I would recommend Beating Adwords to ANY of my
family members. You could take all of the guides above put them together and
still not have all the "know how" that is packed into "Beating Adwords".

(With one exception being Adwords Blackbook, which is no longer for sale and actually
included things that will do you more harm than good.)

You can get a f.ree tour inside Beating Adwords here:

2. Have somebody like a coach you can ask questions if you get stuck! This is
SUPER important, you can learn all the basics from a book, but like learning to
ride a bike you have to get on and ride, and you have to expect to take a few
tumbles...but if you don't have Dad jogging behind you to catch you and break your
fall...your wipeouts are going to hurt a lot worse!

If you decide you want to go this route and get "Beating Adwords" as your guide thru
the link above, I'll be your "Big Daddy"...Just so you know...I can NOT answer
12 emails from you in one day, but I will be glad to answer a few questions and keep
you from seriously injuring your "little tushy".

3. I can not stress this enough! You need to approach this like a business. Not some
fly by night, get rich over night BS. Don't expect to jump on that bike and glide
down the road with the wind blowing in your hair like Fabio with Lance Armstrong's bike riding ability.

No! first you are going to look more like Pee Wee Herman on a coffee high, wibbly
woobly, shakin' and a jerkin' down the road! But...that is ok! It is a business that
has a learning curve, but a curve that is a lot smaller than any other business that
I know of. closing:

Billy Briggs of Type At Home...Why You Sorry!...Kiss my sweet, Arkansas redneck grits!

Don't fall for the bull guys!

Great rewards are there for the taking, you just need to start off on the right foot,
have a little help and have realistic expectations in the beginning.

Thanks For Listening,

Tyler W. Cant

If you want more tips, and techniques on how to be successful online with Affiliate Marketing them please visit this site and subscribe:


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